Location: Wisconsin, United States

Friday, June 22, 2007

We Love Weeds

"A farm is always in some kind of tizzy." Charlotte's Web, E.B. White
As an organic grower my main goal is to provide organic matter to the soil to feed the soil organisms, which in turn break the stuff down and release nutients that plants use. For years I have struggled with finding a window of opportunity to plant cover crops to feed the soil, and this year is no exception. Extended periods of wet conditions combined with heat bring forth very aggressive weed growth, which is impossible to keep up with no matter what new scheme I try. After several years of fighting the jungle, I have decided to relax and enjoy the weeds for what they are, free cover crops that provide organic matter for the soil, and I don't even have to plant them. Why fight it? Nature has provided a system. So, if you happen to drive by our farm and you see me with my string trimmer instead of a hoe, just consider me another grower properly humbled by nature. For the market this week we will have the following:

*Italian Dandelion
*Baby Potatoes
*Mangetout Peas
*Pearl Onions
*Lettuce Heads
*Baby Carrots
*Rainbow Kale
*Lacinato Kale


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